Friday, May 4, 2012

An Overcast Friday Morning on the Leon Creek Greenway

Friday, May 4, 2012

Leon Creek Greenway, Ingram Transit Center Trailhead

Today's photos:

The last time I walked this section of the Leon Creek Greenway was on Wednesday, November 9. That was a chilly, damp, overcast fall afternoon. This morning was a very humid, warm, overcast late Spring morning. The clouds began to burn off about the time I returned to the car, and the temperature soared making this the hottest day of the year so far, topping out at 96 degrees (F).

In addition to keeping the temperature lower in the morning, the overcast sky also provided a beautiful soft light illuminating the landscape. This is only a small portion of the photos I took this morning. There will be one more upcoming post with the remainder of the photos.


  1. This series is like watching two conversations interweave without intersecting. I love that. So much.

  2. Thanks, Bluebirdblvd. It is an interesting mix of photos and a little bit different than what I've been posting.
